Flipper Tooth

What You Need to Know:

Aesthetic prosthetic teeth, commonly referred to as acrylic removable partial dentures or flipper teeth, offer an appealing solution. These prosthetic teeth are designed to rest discreetly either on the lower jaw or along the mouth palate, often featuring one or more connected artificial teeth.

Flipper Tooth Benefits

It’s one of the best removable temporary tooth replacement options and is also very successful. The following are some of the many advantages of getting a flipper tooth.


The main advantage of opting for dental flippers lies in their affordability compared to other denture options. The expense for a single flipper is only approximately 25% of the cost of a dental implant.

Easy to manufacture

Flippers can be created quickly by your dentist. The manufacturing process is efficient, often allowing you to receive them on the same day or the following day in most instances.

Natural appearance

A flipper tooth looks quite natural. It nicely fills in the spaces left when you lose your real teeth, giving you a complete and attractive smile.

Stabilizes your existing teeth

A temporary flipper tooth prevents your current tooth from moving into the space left by the missing teeth until you get a permanent replacement.


Moreover, wearing a flipper tooth is extremely easy, and it's convenient to take off and put back in place.

Can I eat with a flipper tooth?

Sure thing! Having a flipper tooth makes eating a lot more comfortable because you can chew your food easily. Consult with your dental professional to see if a flipper is the right solution for you.

How do you take care of a flipper tooth?

Taking care of your flipper tooth is easy. Make sure to follow a regular maintenance schedule.

  • Remove the flipper tooth before going to bed every night.

  • Clean it thoroughly with a denture brush after every meal. Proper cleaning of your flipper will prevent infection-causing bacteria and bits of food from sticking to it.

  • Store your flipper in a glass of water when not in use to prevent them from drying out.

  • Avoid shifting your flipper tooth in your mouth with your tongue. Doing so will loosen it.

  • It is also preferred to keep your flipper tooth immersed in a denture cleaner overnight 2-3 times a week.

  • Avoid dark-colored foods and beverages that can stain your flippers, such as cranberry juice, coffee, and beets.

Affleck Dental

Restoration & Prosthodontics
466 N Main Street, STE 100
Clearfield, UT 84015

p. 801.614.7013

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Tue      8am - 5pm
Wed     8am - 5pm
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