Mouth Guard

What you need to know:

Mouth guards serve various purposes, addressing conditions ranging from teeth grinding to sleep apnea. These protective devices also play a crucial role in safeguarding your mouth during sports activities, shielding you from potential injuries. You have the option of purchasing ready-made mouth guards from stores, or for a personalized fit and enhanced effectiveness, you can choose to have them custom-made by a dentist.

What is a mouth guard?

Mouth guards are special dental devices designed to cover and protect your teeth. Dentists recommend them for various reasons, and there are several types available. Both children and adults can find value in using mouth guards.

Typically, these guards are crafted to fit over your upper teeth. However, there are cases where your dentist might suggest a mouth guard for your lower teeth as well, depending on your specific needs.

What does a mouth guard do?

Dentists recommend mouth guards for many different reasons. You might need one if you:
  • Play contact sports such as basketball, footballball, soccer or boxing.
  • Grind or clench your teeth
  • Participate in activities with a high fall risk, such as Biking, gymnastics or ice skating.
  • Have obstructive sleep apnea.

Are there various kinds of mouth guards?

There are three primary types of mouth guards, classified based on their purposes:

1. Mouth guards for sports

These mouth guards are designed to shield your teeth from injuries that can occur during sports activities. Whether you engage in boxing, wrestling, soccer, basketball, or football, wearing a mouth guard significantly lowers the chances of experiencing chipped or knocked-out teeth.

2. Mouth guards for grinding teeth

These devices are essential in safeguarding your teeth from the consequences of grinding and clenching, potentially alleviating the effects of TMJ disorders. They are versatile enough to be worn at any time—whether day or night. However, since many individuals tend to grind or clench their teeth while sleeping, it's common to use them primarily during the night.

3. Snoring and sleep apnea mouth guards

Individuals dealing with persistent snoring or obstructive sleep apnea can find relief through a personalized mouth guard. This specialized device works by adjusting and repositioning your jaw, facilitating the opening of your airway while you sleep.

In addition, mouth guards may be store-bought or custom-made:


There are primarily two types of mouth guards available for purchase in stores. The first type is Stock, which you wear as it comes, straight out of the box. The second type is Boil-and-Bite, allowing for some customization at home. While store-bought guards are more budget-friendly, they fall short in effectiveness compared to custom-made mouth guards, particularly in providing optimal protection against teeth grinding or sports-related injuries. Additionally, they are not suitable for addressing sleep apnea concerns.


This particular mouth guard is crafted by a dentist to perfectly match your unique dental structure. Thanks to their tailored design, custom-made mouth guards offer a higher level of comfort compared to their store-bought counterparts. These personalized guards are highly effective in providing protection against both teeth grinding (bruxism) and injuries related to sports activities.

Risks / Benefits of wearing a mouth guard?

Using a mouth guard while participating in contact sports and physical activities can assist in preventing...

  • Knocked-out teeth.

  • Damage to your tooth pulp.

  • Soft-tissue injury to your gums, lips and inner cheeks.

Wearing a mouth guard while you sleep can help reduce your risk...

  • Snoring.

  • Jaw pain, headaches, facial pain and other symptoms of TMJ disorder.

  • Wear and tear from clenching or grinding your teeth.

How do I care for a mouth guard?

Mouth guards can harbor bacteria from your mouth, so it's important to clean your teeth thoroughly before using one. Here are some guidelines on how to clean your mouth guard:

  • Avoid exposing your mouth guard to extreme heat, like direct sunlight or hot water, as it can lead to warping and changes in its shape.

  • After each use, rinse your mouth guard in cool water and clean it with a brush and soapy water. Allow it to air dry.

  • Store your mouth guard out of reach of dogs and other pets.

Affleck Dental

Restoration & Prosthodontics
466 N Main Street, STE 100
Clearfield, UT 84015

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